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The family of Mary Rallo uploaded a photo
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

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Lenore Marino-Tudisco posted a condolence
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Rest in peace Aunt Mary. We will all miss you very much.
Jacqueline Mosher posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
May Gods Blessing be with all the family. Than our cousin Mary be in Gods arms and that her loving spirit will live on.
Marlene Mizzi posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Mary, you will be missed, what a beautiful difference one single life made!! Nobody wants to say good bye to the one they love, your day has come and we have no choice. Thank you for being there for me all those days!
Joanne Serenson posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
As my fathers niece, I have known Mary all my life. I known her as a very creative and caring person. I know that she is with her beloved husband Vito, Uncle George and aunt Elsa watching over all of us. My memories are many. She will be missed.